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Data Models for Biological Databases
The following is a list of published data models for biological databases. The majority of
data models on this list are for relational databases. However, I have also included XML and object
models where the focus is on data storage and not data manipulation. I have not attempted
to judge the quality of the data models at all: the only criteria for inclusion on this list is
the existence of a website or publication that includes the data model. If you know of a data model
that I have missed, please e-mail me (melanie_renee_nelson at yahoo dot com).
Data models for sequence data
Data models for biological function data
Data models for gene expression array data
Data models for laboratory information management
Data models for proteomics
- The PEDRo (Proteomics data management) website [HTML, pedro.man.ac.uk], which
includes schemata [HTML, pedro.man.ac.uk], and The PEDRo publication
HTML, ncbi.nlm.nih.gov]. HUPO (the Human Proteome Organization) is currently updating this data model. It will be renamed
MIAPE (Minimum Information ot describe a Proteomics Experimet).
Data models for protein-protein interactions
- The HUPO (Human Proteome Organization) Proteomics Standards Initiative (PSI) committee has published an XML
specification for protein-protein interactions [HTML,
- BIND (Biomolecular Interaction Newtowrk Database) [HTML, blueprint.org]
provides its specification as an XML schema or DTD [HTML,
blueprint.org]. The BIND group has published many papers, including on the specification
[PDF, blueprint.org] and the
database's functionality [PDF,
- The latest Nucleic Acids Research update on DIP (The Database of Interacting Proteins)
[HTML, nar.oupjournals.org]
includes an overview of the data model.
Other biological data models
- The GMOD (Generic Model Organism Database) project [HTML, gmod.org] is working
on developing a data model and tools that can be used to quickly develop an organism-specific database. This is an
open source project. The current emphasis is on genetic and genomic information, but other areas are covered as well.
Primary author: Melanie Nelson
Last edited: 15 May 2004